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LHA Half Court Memberships

For families and athletes committed to honing their skills and achieving their goals, our Half Court Membership offers unparalleled convenience and flexibility.

Half Court Basketball or Full Court Volleyball

Our half court membership allows families / athletes to get private court time several times a week without breaking the bank. All half court rentals can include the Dr. Dish shooting machine at no extra cost, or be used for full court volleyball. See below for membership details. 

Monthly Price

Memberships cost $99 per month per family. The membership includes all members of the family and is auto billed using a credit card.

Reduced Rate

Members pay a greatly reduced hourly rate for half court rentals, often only paying $5 or $10 per hour for their court rental.


  • Off Peak Hours (9pm - 8am) full price is $35 per hour, but for members is $5 per hour

  • Standard Hours (8am - 5pm) full price is $50 per hour, but for members is $10 per hour

  • Peak Hours (M-Th 5pm - 9pm) full price is $65 per hour, but for members is $20 per hour


Full break down of rates can be found on the rates page.


NOTE:  At this time memberships only reduces the rates of half court basketball or full court volleyball rentals AND the weight room.​

Bring Guests

Members are welcome to bring guests to their bookings. A responsible member of the membership family should be present during all bookings. Meaning you are welcome to bring friends to use your bookings, but you can't make bookings for times when you or your family won't be there to use the booking.

Booking Window

Members are only able to book using their reduced rates during the booking window. Standard booking window is 7 days. Meaning members can make a booking up to 7 days from the current day. For $25 more a month, the booking window can be expanded to 14 days

1 Booking Per Hour

There is no restriction on how many books members can make for the month, but you can only book one half court at the same time. Meaning you are not allowed to book both half courts to make a full court rental. 

Weight Room Included

In additional to booking half court basketball or full court volleyball, members can also book the weight room at member rates.

Comparison of Non Member vs Member Rentals

The table below demonstrates the cost difference of renting half courts as a non-member vs being a member. Assuming all rentals were at standard hours (8am - 5pm)


To get started or ask follow up questions about our court membership, use the button below or text or call us at 512-713-1025

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